Volume 3.213 Justina Neudorf Collection

(Deed of Gift #704)

– Photo album containing photos taken on the Ninth Mennonite World Conference South American Tour with Rev. N. Willems in July-August, 1972
– Autographs booklet
– Small booklets with stories in German published in Lahr Dinglingen (Baden), Germany by St. Johannis Druckerei, 1954

– Black and white photo of First Mennonite Church, Fourth Ave., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 1938
Names of choir members shown on back of photo.
– Unlabelled black and white photo of men at a conference in Gretna, possibly former residents of Russia.
– Unlabelled black and white photo of women at a conference in Gretna, possibly former residents of Russia.
– Unlabelled black & white photo of a large group of men, probably at a conference gathering.
– Photo of a large group of men in individual frames with Russian labels dated 1906-1908. Translation: Forest Vladimir Team or “Vladimir Forestry Service Members”, also known as the Vladimirov Forestry Camp. Notes from Victor G. Wiebe, archivist, regarding the translation and Vladimir Forestry Service camp accompanies the photo.
– First Mennonite Church German Choir, 1971
– First Mennonite Church German Choir, (more recent than 1971 photo)
– The 25th Anniversary of the Maedschenheim, 1931-1956
– Mennonite Girls Home, Saskatoon, 1946, 2 copies
– Christmas at the Girls Home, 1948, 2 copies
– Class of 82 School for the Deaf

– von Maltzahn, E., Doktor Bernhardus – Erzaehlun aus der Reformationszeit, Schwerin: Verlag von Friedrich Bahn, 1920
– Evangelium des Matthaeus, uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers, Berlin: Britische und auslaendische Bibelgesellschaft, 1909
– Gesangbuch zum gottesdienstlichen und haeuslichen Gebrauch in den Mennoniten Gemeinden Russlands, Odessa: Druck von A. Schultze, 1896
– Scholz, August, Leonid Andrejew – Zu den Sternen, drama, Berlin: Buehnen und Buchverlag russischer Autoren, 1906
– Gesangbuch der Mennoniten herausgegeben von der Allgemeinen Konferenz der Mennonitengemeinschaft Nordamerikas, Erste Auflage, 1942. 3 copies engraved with names Margaretha Neudorf, Heinrich P. Neudorf, and Justina Neudorf